J Rheum Dis 2014; 21(6): 326-330
Published online December 30, 2014
© Korean College of Rheumatology
Correspondence to : Sung Jae Choi
Leflunomide was licensed for the treatment of rheumatoid ar-thritis in 1998 and has been available in Korea since 2003. Allergic cutaneous reactions (rash, purpura) are common (<10%) side effects of leflunomide, but severe cases such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are rarely reported. There has not been a report of SJS or TEN induced by leflunomide in Korea. Here we report a case of leflunomide-induced TEN in a patient with rheuma-toid arthritis. Leflunomide was discontinued, and the TEN was treated with methylprednisolone, cholestyramine and immunoglobulin. The skin lesion eventually resolved over four weeks with residual post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Keywords Leflunomide, Toxic epidermal necrolysis, Rheumatoid arthritis
J Rheum Dis 2014; 21(6): 326-330
Published online December 30, 2014
Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.
Ji Hye Je, Hyun Jung Lee, Young Ju Na, Ji Hye Seo, Young Ho Seo, Jae-Hoon Kim, Sung Jae Choi, Young Ho Lee, Jong Dae Ji, Gwan Gyu Song
Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to:Sung Jae Choi
Leflunomide was licensed for the treatment of rheumatoid ar-thritis in 1998 and has been available in Korea since 2003. Allergic cutaneous reactions (rash, purpura) are common (<10%) side effects of leflunomide, but severe cases such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are rarely reported. There has not been a report of SJS or TEN induced by leflunomide in Korea. Here we report a case of leflunomide-induced TEN in a patient with rheuma-toid arthritis. Leflunomide was discontinued, and the TEN was treated with methylprednisolone, cholestyramine and immunoglobulin. The skin lesion eventually resolved over four weeks with residual post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Keywords: Leflunomide, Toxic epidermal necrolysis, Rheumatoid arthritis
Kowoon Joo, Won Park, Seong-Ryul Kwon, Mie-Jin Lim
J Rheum Dis 2013; 20(3): 166-171Dong-Hyuk Sheen, M.D., Mi-Kyoung Lim, M.D., Seung-Cheol Shim, M.D., Sang-Ok Lee, M.D., Seong-Wook Kang, M.D.*, Ju-Kyung Song, M.D.*, You-Sun Lee, M.D.**
The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2007; 14(3): 268-273Byeongzu Ghang, M.D., Ph.D., Jin Kyun Park, M.D., Ph.D., Ji Hyeon Ju, M.D., Ph.D., Seungwoo Han, M.D., Ph.D.
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