The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2004; 11(2): 174-178
Published online June 30, 2004
© Korean College of Rheumatology
인제대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
Correspondence to : Bo Young Yoon
Renal manifestations of systemic sclerosis are proteinuria, hypertension, azotemia and renal crisis. Mild proteinuria is common, but the nephrotic syndrome occurring in association with systemic sclerosis has been rarely reported. The majority of nephrotic syndrome cases are caused by glomerulonephritis in patients with an overlap syndrome of SLE and systemic sclerosis. This report suggests that the nephrotic syndrome can be an infrequent sequel of systemic sclerosis alone without glomerulopathy. A 38-year old woman was suffering from visual loss and headaches. She had Raynaud's phenomenon and thickened skin on nearly whole body. Urine protein was 4,950 mg/day and serum albumin level was 2.7 g/dL. The result of renal biopsy was renovasculopathy-compatible with systemic sclerosis.
Keywords Systemic sclerosis, Nephrotic syndrome, Overlap syndrome
The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2004; 11(2): 174-178
Published online June 30, 2004
Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.
인제대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
Bo Young Yoon, M.D., Chan Hee Lee, M.D., Ph.D., Seong Hoon Han, M.D., Yun Woo Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University
Correspondence to:Bo Young Yoon
Renal manifestations of systemic sclerosis are proteinuria, hypertension, azotemia and renal crisis. Mild proteinuria is common, but the nephrotic syndrome occurring in association with systemic sclerosis has been rarely reported. The majority of nephrotic syndrome cases are caused by glomerulonephritis in patients with an overlap syndrome of SLE and systemic sclerosis. This report suggests that the nephrotic syndrome can be an infrequent sequel of systemic sclerosis alone without glomerulopathy. A 38-year old woman was suffering from visual loss and headaches. She had Raynaud's phenomenon and thickened skin on nearly whole body. Urine protein was 4,950 mg/day and serum albumin level was 2.7 g/dL. The result of renal biopsy was renovasculopathy-compatible with systemic sclerosis.
Keywords: Systemic sclerosis, Nephrotic syndrome, Overlap syndrome
Jung Yoon Han, Kyoung Hwa Lee, Mi Ryung Seo, Hyo Jin Choi
J Rheum Dis 2014; 21(6): 322-325Bong-Woo Lee, M.D., Eui-Jong Kwon, M.D., Ji Hyeon Ju, M.D., Ph.D.
J Rheum Dis -0001; ():Ha-Hee Son, M.D., Su-Jin Moon, M.D., Ph.D.
J Rheum Dis -0001; ():