The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2004; 11(2): 90-95
Published online June 30, 2004
© Korean College of Rheumatology
한양대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 류마티스병원
Correspondence to : Dae-Hyun Yoo
Objective: Mononeuritis multiplex is an extra-articular manifestation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. This study set out to investigate its clinical characteristics in Korea. Methods: Clinical characteristics and laboratory data were compared retrospectively by review of medical records between 12 patients with mononeuritis multiplex (case) and randomly selected 116 age-matched patients without mononeuritis multiplex in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (control). Results: Mean age of the case group was 51.8⁑8.4 years old with 7 males and 5 females which showed higher prevalence of male gender compared to the control group (p<0.05). There was no difference in mean duration of disease between two groups. Upper limbs, lower limbs and both upper and lower limbs were involved in 3, 7 and 2 patients, respectively. Major symptoms were tingling (66.6%), paresthesia (33.3%), pain (33.3%), foot drop (33.3%), or muscle weakness (16.7%). Skin ulceration was accompanied in 3 patients,but vasculitis of other organs was not found. Mean C-reactive protein level in the case group was 7.6⁑6.7 mg/dL, which was higher compared to 2.4⁑3.1 mg/dL in the control group (p<0.05). Rheumatoid factor was positive in 83.3% of the case, however positive rate and titer showed no significant difference with the control group. There was no difference in other extra-articular manifestations between two groups. Six patients were treated withglucocorticoid and immuno-suppressants and 6 patients with only glucocorticoid1 for 6.8⁑7.1 weeks. Symptoms improved after treatment in 10 patients but, it lasted in 2 patients. Conclusion: Rheumatoid arthritis associated mononeuritis multiplex was more prevalent in males with higher CRP levels, and responded well to medical intervention including glucocorticoid, and immunosuppressants.
Keywords Mononeuritis multiplex, Rheumatoid arthritis, Vasculitis
The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2004; 11(2): 90-95
Published online June 30, 2004
Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.
한양대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 류마티스병원
Jin-Hyun Woo, M.D., Kyung-Hae Lee, M.D., Yong-Wook Park, M.D., Hye-Soon Lee, M.D., Wan-Sik Uhm, M.D., Tae-Hwan Kim, M.D., Jae-Bum Jun, M.D., Sang-Cheol Bae, M.D., Dae-Hyun Yoo, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine, The Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to:Dae-Hyun Yoo
Objective: Mononeuritis multiplex is an extra-articular manifestation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. This study set out to investigate its clinical characteristics in Korea. Methods: Clinical characteristics and laboratory data were compared retrospectively by review of medical records between 12 patients with mononeuritis multiplex (case) and randomly selected 116 age-matched patients without mononeuritis multiplex in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (control). Results: Mean age of the case group was 51.8⁑8.4 years old with 7 males and 5 females which showed higher prevalence of male gender compared to the control group (p<0.05). There was no difference in mean duration of disease between two groups. Upper limbs, lower limbs and both upper and lower limbs were involved in 3, 7 and 2 patients, respectively. Major symptoms were tingling (66.6%), paresthesia (33.3%), pain (33.3%), foot drop (33.3%), or muscle weakness (16.7%). Skin ulceration was accompanied in 3 patients,but vasculitis of other organs was not found. Mean C-reactive protein level in the case group was 7.6⁑6.7 mg/dL, which was higher compared to 2.4⁑3.1 mg/dL in the control group (p<0.05). Rheumatoid factor was positive in 83.3% of the case, however positive rate and titer showed no significant difference with the control group. There was no difference in other extra-articular manifestations between two groups. Six patients were treated withglucocorticoid and immuno-suppressants and 6 patients with only glucocorticoid1 for 6.8⁑7.1 weeks. Symptoms improved after treatment in 10 patients but, it lasted in 2 patients. Conclusion: Rheumatoid arthritis associated mononeuritis multiplex was more prevalent in males with higher CRP levels, and responded well to medical intervention including glucocorticoid, and immunosuppressants.
Keywords: Mononeuritis multiplex, Rheumatoid arthritis, Vasculitis
Kyung-Hae Lee, M.D., Jin-Hyun Woo, M.D., Sook-Kyoung Kim, B.S.*, Yong-Wook Park, M.D, Hye-Soon Lee, M.D., Wan-Sik Uhm, M.D., Tae-Hwan Kim, M.D., Jae-Bum Jun, M.D., Sang-Cheol Bae, M.D., Dae-Hyun Yoo, M.D.
The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2004; 11(4): 358-364Soo Min Ahn, M.D., Ph.D., Seonok Kim, MSc., Ye-Jee Kim, Ph.D., Seokchan Hong, M.D., Ph.D., Chang-Keun Lee, M.D., Ph.D., Bin Yoo, M.D., Ph.D., Ji Seon Oh, M.D., Ph.D., Yong-Gil Kim, M.D., Ph.D.
J Rheum Dis -0001; ():Roshan Subedi, M.D., Afrah Misbah, M.D., Adnan Al Najada, M.D., Anthony James Ocon, M.D., Ph.D.
J Rheum Dis -0001; ():