Case Report

The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2005; 12(4): 351-355

Published online December 30, 2005

© Korean College of Rheumatology

IgA 신병증을 동반한 쇼그렌증후군과 피부근염의 중복증후군 1예


대구가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 진단검사의학교실*

A Case of Overlap Syndrome of Dermatomyositis and Sjögren's Syndrome associated with IgA Nephropathy

Jin-Hyang Shin, M.D., Keun-Woo Park, M.D., Ja-Kyoung Cho, M.D., Seok-Jae Han, M.D., Seung-hie Chung, M.D., Chae-Gi Kim, M.D., Jung-Yoon Choe, M.D., Sang-Gyung Kim, M.D.*

Departments of Internal Medicine and Laboratory Medicine*, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea

Correspondence to : Seung-hie Chung


An "overlap syndrome" is used to describe patients who have two or more well-defined connective tissue diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), systemic sclerosis (SSc), and polymyositis. Their coexistence is defined clinically and often by specific serologic tests. We report a case of dermatomyositis associated with IgA nephropathy that had overlapping features of Sjögren's syndrome. This dermatomyositis and Sjögren's overlap is a rarely reported overlap syndrome worldwide.

Keywords Overlap syndrome, Dermatomyositis, Sjögren's syndrome, IgA nephropathy


Case Report

The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2005; 12(4): 351-355

Published online December 30, 2005

Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.

IgA 신병증을 동반한 쇼그렌증후군과 피부근염의 중복증후군 1예


대구가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 진단검사의학교실*

A Case of Overlap Syndrome of Dermatomyositis and Sjögren's Syndrome associated with IgA Nephropathy

Jin-Hyang Shin, M.D., Keun-Woo Park, M.D., Ja-Kyoung Cho, M.D., Seok-Jae Han, M.D., Seung-hie Chung, M.D., Chae-Gi Kim, M.D., Jung-Yoon Choe, M.D., Sang-Gyung Kim, M.D.*

Departments of Internal Medicine and Laboratory Medicine*, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea

Correspondence to:Seung-hie Chung


An "overlap syndrome" is used to describe patients who have two or more well-defined connective tissue diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), systemic sclerosis (SSc), and polymyositis. Their coexistence is defined clinically and often by specific serologic tests. We report a case of dermatomyositis associated with IgA nephropathy that had overlapping features of Sjögren's syndrome. This dermatomyositis and Sjögren's overlap is a rarely reported overlap syndrome worldwide.

Keywords: Overlap syndrome, Dermatomyositis, Sjö,gren's syndrome, IgA nephropathy

Jan 01, 2025 Vol.32 No.1, pp. 1~7
Cumulative growth of rheumatology members and specialists (1980~2024). Cumulative distribution of the number of the (A) Korean College of Rheumatology members and (B) rheumatology specialists. (J Rheum Dis 2025;32:63-65)

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