Original Article

The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2009; 16(3): 189-196

Published online September 30, 2009

© Korean College of Rheumatology

폐경기 이후의 섬유근통 환자에서 심장기능의 평가


메리놀병원 류마티스내과1, 순환기내과2

Assessing the Myocardial Function of Postmenopausal Women with Fibromyalgia

Ji-Hyun Kang1, Ji-Hyun Lee1, Kyoung-Im Cho2, Tae-Ik Kim2, Hyuk-Yong Kwon1, Hyeon-Jin Kim1, Myoung-Joon Kim1, Chi-Sung Hwang1

Divisions of Rheumatolgy1 and Cardiology2, Department of Internal Medicine, Maryknoll Hospital, Buasn, Korea

Correspondence to : Ji-Hyun Lee


Background: Aberrations of cardiovascular regulation have been reported in patients who suffer with fibromyalgia (FM). Abnormalities of the cardiovascular autonomic regulation, as well as the correlation between coronary heart disease and depression, have been considered to be the causative factors. The clinical features of transient left apical ballooning syndrome with the patients under acute stress have been clearly described, but the effect of chronic stress such as FM on the myocardium is unknown. We investigated the cardiac strain in FM patients by strain imaging with using the 2D grayscale images, and we quantified the regional myocardial deformation properties.
Methods: We investigated 30 consecutive postmenopausal women (mean age: 48±8 years) who satisfied the criteria for fibromyalgia with atypical chest pain by performing standard and 2-dimensional strain echocardiography (2DS). Those patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease or diabetes were excluded. The global and segmental longitudinal deformation parameters of the LV from 3 apical views were analyzed, and the patients underwent a manual tender point survey for determining the number of tender points and tender point counts, and the patients completed the fibromyalgia impact questionnaire (FIQ), the brief fatigue inventory (BFI), and Beck depression inventory (BDI).
Results: The global longitudinal LV strain was significantly reduced in the FM patients with a high FIQ score (>40) as compared to the patients with a low FIQ score (−18.61% vs. −22.72%). Also, both the global and segmental longitudinal LV strains were negatively associated with fatigue or the tender point counts. However, there was no significant association between depression and the LV strain.
Conclusion: This study showed the reduced myocardial longitudinal deformation in FM patients. This suggested that strain imaging is a feasible approach to assess the regional ventricular function in FM patients.

Keywords Fibromyalgia, Stress, Echocardiography, Strain


Original Article

The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2009; 16(3): 189-196

Published online September 30, 2009

Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.

폐경기 이후의 섬유근통 환자에서 심장기능의 평가


메리놀병원 류마티스내과1, 순환기내과2

Assessing the Myocardial Function of Postmenopausal Women with Fibromyalgia

Ji-Hyun Kang1, Ji-Hyun Lee1, Kyoung-Im Cho2, Tae-Ik Kim2, Hyuk-Yong Kwon1, Hyeon-Jin Kim1, Myoung-Joon Kim1, Chi-Sung Hwang1

Divisions of Rheumatolgy1 and Cardiology2, Department of Internal Medicine, Maryknoll Hospital, Buasn, Korea

Correspondence to:Ji-Hyun Lee


Background: Aberrations of cardiovascular regulation have been reported in patients who suffer with fibromyalgia (FM). Abnormalities of the cardiovascular autonomic regulation, as well as the correlation between coronary heart disease and depression, have been considered to be the causative factors. The clinical features of transient left apical ballooning syndrome with the patients under acute stress have been clearly described, but the effect of chronic stress such as FM on the myocardium is unknown. We investigated the cardiac strain in FM patients by strain imaging with using the 2D grayscale images, and we quantified the regional myocardial deformation properties.
Methods: We investigated 30 consecutive postmenopausal women (mean age: 48±8 years) who satisfied the criteria for fibromyalgia with atypical chest pain by performing standard and 2-dimensional strain echocardiography (2DS). Those patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease or diabetes were excluded. The global and segmental longitudinal deformation parameters of the LV from 3 apical views were analyzed, and the patients underwent a manual tender point survey for determining the number of tender points and tender point counts, and the patients completed the fibromyalgia impact questionnaire (FIQ), the brief fatigue inventory (BFI), and Beck depression inventory (BDI).
Results: The global longitudinal LV strain was significantly reduced in the FM patients with a high FIQ score (>40) as compared to the patients with a low FIQ score (−18.61% vs. −22.72%). Also, both the global and segmental longitudinal LV strains were negatively associated with fatigue or the tender point counts. However, there was no significant association between depression and the LV strain.
Conclusion: This study showed the reduced myocardial longitudinal deformation in FM patients. This suggested that strain imaging is a feasible approach to assess the regional ventricular function in FM patients.

Keywords: Fibromyalgia, Stress, Echocardiography, Strain

Oct 01, 2024 Vol.31 No.4, pp. 191~263
Ancestry-driven pathways for SLE-risk SNP-associated genes. The ancestry-driven key signaling pathways in Asians, Europeans, and African Americans were analyzed by enrichr (https://maayanlab.cloud/Enrichr/#libraries) using non-HLA SNP-associated genes. SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus, SNP: single-nucleotide polymorphism, JAK–STAT: janus kinase–signal transducers and activators of transcription, IFN: interferon gamma. (J Rheum Dis 2024;31:200-211)

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