Original Article

The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2009; 16(3): 204-212

Published online September 30, 2009

© Korean College of Rheumatology

한국인 류마티스관절염 환자의 특성 - 단일 기관 코호트 연구


한양대학교 의과대학 류마티스병원 류마티스내과

Characteristics of Korean Patients with RA: A Single Center Cohort Study

Yun Jung Kim, Chan-Bum Choi, Yoon-Kyoung Sung, Hyeseon Lee, Sang-Cheol Bae

Department of Rheumatology, Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Hanyang University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to : Sang-Cheol Bae


Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the general characteristics and potential susceptibility genes of a large cohort of Korean rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients.
Methods: After giving consent, the patients were invited to undergo a structured interview and clinical examination that were performed by rheumatologists and a specially trained research nurse. When appropriate, the information obtained by interview was supplemented by information from the patient's medical record. We reviewed the genetic studies for the subjects in the Hanyang RA cohort to investigate the genetic characteristics of Korean RA patients.
Results: The mean age of the Hanyang RA cohort was 51.6±12.4 years, and 88.1% were women. The unemployment rate was 19.6%, and 52.2% of the patients had limitation of everyday life or their work life. The mean age at the time of disease onset was 41.0±12.9 years and the duration from disease onset to initiation of treatment was 23.6±57.1 months. The smoking rate of the Hanyang RA cohort was 16.8%, and 30.8% of the patients were exposed to passive smoking. Total joint arthroplastys were performed in 158 (10.3%) patients, and the most common operation site was the knee. On the review of the genetic studies for the Hanyang RA cohort, the representative susceptibility genes for the development of RA were HLA-DRB1, PADI4, STAT4 and TRAF1-C5.
Conclusion: This data of Korean RA patients can be used as the preliminary data for important studies. Establishment of a large prospective, multicenter cohort is imperative to determine the characteristics of Korean RA, and the Hanyang RA cohort is expected to play a lead role for this.

Keywords Rheumatoid arthritis, Cohort, Korean


Original Article

The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2009; 16(3): 204-212

Published online September 30, 2009

Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.

한국인 류마티스관절염 환자의 특성 - 단일 기관 코호트 연구


한양대학교 의과대학 류마티스병원 류마티스내과

Characteristics of Korean Patients with RA: A Single Center Cohort Study

Yun Jung Kim, Chan-Bum Choi, Yoon-Kyoung Sung, Hyeseon Lee, Sang-Cheol Bae

Department of Rheumatology, Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Hanyang University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to:Sang-Cheol Bae


Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the general characteristics and potential susceptibility genes of a large cohort of Korean rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients.
Methods: After giving consent, the patients were invited to undergo a structured interview and clinical examination that were performed by rheumatologists and a specially trained research nurse. When appropriate, the information obtained by interview was supplemented by information from the patient's medical record. We reviewed the genetic studies for the subjects in the Hanyang RA cohort to investigate the genetic characteristics of Korean RA patients.
Results: The mean age of the Hanyang RA cohort was 51.6±12.4 years, and 88.1% were women. The unemployment rate was 19.6%, and 52.2% of the patients had limitation of everyday life or their work life. The mean age at the time of disease onset was 41.0±12.9 years and the duration from disease onset to initiation of treatment was 23.6±57.1 months. The smoking rate of the Hanyang RA cohort was 16.8%, and 30.8% of the patients were exposed to passive smoking. Total joint arthroplastys were performed in 158 (10.3%) patients, and the most common operation site was the knee. On the review of the genetic studies for the Hanyang RA cohort, the representative susceptibility genes for the development of RA were HLA-DRB1, PADI4, STAT4 and TRAF1-C5.
Conclusion: This data of Korean RA patients can be used as the preliminary data for important studies. Establishment of a large prospective, multicenter cohort is imperative to determine the characteristics of Korean RA, and the Hanyang RA cohort is expected to play a lead role for this.

Keywords: Rheumatoid arthritis, Cohort, Korean

Jan 01, 2025 Vol.32 No.1, pp. 1~7
Cumulative growth of rheumatology members and specialists (1980~2024). Cumulative distribution of the number of the (A) Korean College of Rheumatology members and (B) rheumatology specialists. (J Rheum Dis 2025;32:63-65)

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