J Rheum Dis 2011; 18(3): 216-219
Published online September 30, 2011
© Korean College of Rheumatology
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 류마티스내과학교실1, 호흡기내과학교실2, 병리학교실3
Correspondence to : Jun Ki Min
Psoriatic arthritis is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory disease triggered and maintained by inflammatory mediators, including tumor necrosis factor-Ձ. Although TNF-Ձ antagonist is effective for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, infections caused by tuberculosis or fungus have emerged as significant complications of therapy. We report a case of pulmonary cryptococcosis in a patient with psoriatic arthritis treated with adalimumab.
Keywords Psoriatic arthritis, Pulmonary cryptococcus, Adalimumab
J Rheum Dis 2011; 18(3): 216-219
Published online September 30, 2011
Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 류마티스내과학교실1, 호흡기내과학교실2, 병리학교실3
Su Nam Lee1, Jun Ki Min1, Joon Hur1, Dong Hwi Kim2, Yong Hyun Kim2,Soon Seog Kwon2, Heejeong Lee3
Division of Rheumatology, Departments of Internal Medicine1, Pulmonology2, and Pathology3, College of Medicine, The Catholic Univercity of Korea, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to:Jun Ki Min
Psoriatic arthritis is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory disease triggered and maintained by inflammatory mediators, including tumor necrosis factor-Ձ. Although TNF-Ձ antagonist is effective for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, infections caused by tuberculosis or fungus have emerged as significant complications of therapy. We report a case of pulmonary cryptococcosis in a patient with psoriatic arthritis treated with adalimumab.
Keywords: Psoriatic arthritis, Pulmonary cryptococcus, Adalimumab
Hong Ki Min, Jae Ho Lee, Hae Min Lee, Eunsil Koh, Ju Yeon Heo, Jun-Ki Min, Sung Hwan Park
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