Case Report

J Rheum Dis 2012; 19(4): 216-219

Published online August 30, 2012

© Korean College of Rheumatology

류마티스관절염 환자에서 TNF-Ձ 억제제 사용 후 발생한 백반증 1예


경희대학교 의과대학 류마티스내과1, 피부과학교실2, 병리과학교실3

A Case of Development of Vitiligo Followed by TNF-Ձ Antagonist Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ran Song1, So-Mi Kim1, Sang-Hoon Lee1, Yeon-Ah Lee1, Seung-Jae Hong1, Hee-Ryung Cho2, Gou-Young Kim3, Hyung-In Yang1

Divisions of Rheumatology1, Dermatology2, and Pathology3, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to : Ran Song


As the usage of biologics for rheumatic diseases increases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, various cutaneous adverse events are also being increasingly reported. We experienced a case of development of vitiligo during a TNF-Ձ antagonist therapy in a 22-year- old woman with rheumatoid arthritis. The patient was presented with vitiligo lesions on the dorsum of both hands after 1 month of treatment with etanercept. Vitiligo improved with topical tacrolimus ointment and excimer laser treatment without the discontinuation of etanercept. No clearly defined mechanism for vitiligo induced by TNF-Ձ antagonist exits. However, considering that vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder, the development of this skin lesion in association with the TNF-Ձ antagonist could be explained by a paradoxical induction of the autoimmune process.

Keywords Rheumatoid arthritis, TNF-Ձ antagonist, Vitiligo


Case Report

J Rheum Dis 2012; 19(4): 216-219

Published online August 30, 2012

Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.

류마티스관절염 환자에서 TNF-Ձ 억제제 사용 후 발생한 백반증 1예


경희대학교 의과대학 류마티스내과1, 피부과학교실2, 병리과학교실3

A Case of Development of Vitiligo Followed by TNF-Ձ Antagonist Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ran Song1, So-Mi Kim1, Sang-Hoon Lee1, Yeon-Ah Lee1, Seung-Jae Hong1, Hee-Ryung Cho2, Gou-Young Kim3, Hyung-In Yang1

Divisions of Rheumatology1, Dermatology2, and Pathology3, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to:Ran Song


As the usage of biologics for rheumatic diseases increases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, various cutaneous adverse events are also being increasingly reported. We experienced a case of development of vitiligo during a TNF-Ձ antagonist therapy in a 22-year- old woman with rheumatoid arthritis. The patient was presented with vitiligo lesions on the dorsum of both hands after 1 month of treatment with etanercept. Vitiligo improved with topical tacrolimus ointment and excimer laser treatment without the discontinuation of etanercept. No clearly defined mechanism for vitiligo induced by TNF-Ձ antagonist exits. However, considering that vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder, the development of this skin lesion in association with the TNF-Ձ antagonist could be explained by a paradoxical induction of the autoimmune process.

Keywords: Rheumatoid arthritis, TNF-Ձ, antagonist, Vitiligo

Jan 01, 2025 Vol.32 No.1, pp. 1~7
Cumulative growth of rheumatology members and specialists (1980~2024). Cumulative distribution of the number of the (A) Korean College of Rheumatology members and (B) rheumatology specialists. (J Rheum Dis 2025;32:63-65)

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