The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2007; 14(4): 427-430
Published online December 30, 2007
© Korean College of Rheumatology
연세대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 국민건강보험공단 일산병원 류마티스내과*
Correspondence to : Chan Hee Lee
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare systemic necrotizing vasculitis involving multiple organ system. Systemic lupus erythematousus (SLE) also presented as a vasculitic symptoms. So, systemic vasculitis and SLE share some clinical features. We report a case of polyarteritis nodosa mimicking SLE. A 45-year-old woman was admitted due to oliguria. She diagnosed SLE because of pericardial effusion, hemolytic anemia, proteinuria, hematuria, and positivity of anti-dsDNA antibody. But she re-diagnosed as PAN through renal angiography and renal biopsy afterwards. She was treated with high dose steroid, cyclophosphamide, and anti-TNF-alpha antibody, but didn't respond those therapies.
Keywords Polyarteritis nodosa, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Vasculitis
The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2007; 14(4): 427-430
Published online December 30, 2007
Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.
연세대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 국민건강보험공단 일산병원 류마티스내과*
Kwang Hoon Lee, M.D., Dong Hyuk Nam, M.D.*, Hye Won Lee, M.D., Tae Hyun Ryu, M.D.*, Chan Hee Lee, M.D.*, Soo Kon Lee, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Health Insurance Corporation Ilsan Hospital, Goyang*, Korea
Correspondence to:Chan Hee Lee
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare systemic necrotizing vasculitis involving multiple organ system. Systemic lupus erythematousus (SLE) also presented as a vasculitic symptoms. So, systemic vasculitis and SLE share some clinical features. We report a case of polyarteritis nodosa mimicking SLE. A 45-year-old woman was admitted due to oliguria. She diagnosed SLE because of pericardial effusion, hemolytic anemia, proteinuria, hematuria, and positivity of anti-dsDNA antibody. But she re-diagnosed as PAN through renal angiography and renal biopsy afterwards. She was treated with high dose steroid, cyclophosphamide, and anti-TNF-alpha antibody, but didn't respond those therapies.
Keywords: Polyarteritis nodosa, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Vasculitis
Joo Young Kee, M.D., Hyo Jin Choi, M.D., Dong Woo Shin, M.D., Eun Young Lee, M.D., Yun Jong Lee, M.D., Eun Bong Lee, M.D., So Yeon Park, M.D.*, Yeong Wook Song, M.D.
The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2005; 12(2): 149-153Dong Min Kim, M.D., Seong-Kyu Kim, M.D., Mung-Chul Chang, M.D*, Na Hye Myong, M.D.**, Hwan Herr, M.D.***, Hyun Kyu Chang, M.D.
The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association 2005; 12(1): 57-60Bong-Woo Lee, M.D., Eui-Jong Kwon, M.D., Ji Hyeon Ju, M.D., Ph.D.
J Rheum Dis -0001; ():