Case Report

J Rheum Dis 2014; 21(3): 147-150

Published online June 30, 2014

© Korean College of Rheumatology

회색질척수염의 병력이 있는 환자에서 발생한 근력 약화: 소아마비후증후군(Post-polio Syndrome)과 피부근염의 감별


건국대학교 의학전문대학원 내과학교실

Received: March 27, 2013; Revised: June 25, 2013; Accepted: June 26, 2013

Muscle Weakness in a Patient with History of Poliomyelitis:A Differential Diagnosis for Post-polio Syndrome (PPS) and Dermatomyositis

Sang Hee An, Ha Young Na, Seong Hui Kang, Soo Youn Park, Hyung Min Yu, Chae Ho Lee, Ji Wan Kim, Se Woong Kwon, Junghwa Lee, Hae-Rim Kim, Sang-Heon Lee

Department of Internal Medicine, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to : Sang-Heon Lee

Received: March 27, 2013; Revised: June 25, 2013; Accepted: June 26, 2013


Dermatomyositis (DM) is an idiopathic inflammatory myo-pathy, characterized by inflammation of the proximal skel-etal muscles and typical skin manifestations, which results in symmetric muscle weakness. A 43- year-old man was presented with skin rash and left leg weakness, and he had a history of poliomyelitis. Initially, he was diagnosed as having post-polio syndrome (PPS) due to unilateral muscle weakness and a result of an the electromyography (EMG), which had shown patterns of PPS. After 4 months with conservative therapy for PPS, weakness of bilateral upper arms had developed and skin rashes on his entire body had aggravated and progressed. He was diagnosed as hav-ing dermatomyositis, based on elevated muscle enzyme lev-els, typical skin rashes, and typical EMG findings, which indicated muscle disease. When a patient with previous po-liomyelitis has a newly developed muscle weakness or pain, we should consider various possible causes other than PPS.

Keywords Dermatomyositis, Post-polio syndrome, Poliomyelitis, Skin rash, Muscle weakness


Case Report

J Rheum Dis 2014; 21(3): 147-150

Published online June 30, 2014

Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.

회색질척수염의 병력이 있는 환자에서 발생한 근력 약화: 소아마비후증후군(Post-polio Syndrome)과 피부근염의 감별


건국대학교 의학전문대학원 내과학교실

Received: March 27, 2013; Revised: June 25, 2013; Accepted: June 26, 2013

Muscle Weakness in a Patient with History of Poliomyelitis:A Differential Diagnosis for Post-polio Syndrome (PPS) and Dermatomyositis

Sang Hee An, Ha Young Na, Seong Hui Kang, Soo Youn Park, Hyung Min Yu, Chae Ho Lee, Ji Wan Kim, Se Woong Kwon, Junghwa Lee, Hae-Rim Kim, Sang-Heon Lee

Department of Internal Medicine, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to:Sang-Heon Lee

Received: March 27, 2013; Revised: June 25, 2013; Accepted: June 26, 2013


Dermatomyositis (DM) is an idiopathic inflammatory myo-pathy, characterized by inflammation of the proximal skel-etal muscles and typical skin manifestations, which results in symmetric muscle weakness. A 43- year-old man was presented with skin rash and left leg weakness, and he had a history of poliomyelitis. Initially, he was diagnosed as having post-polio syndrome (PPS) due to unilateral muscle weakness and a result of an the electromyography (EMG), which had shown patterns of PPS. After 4 months with conservative therapy for PPS, weakness of bilateral upper arms had developed and skin rashes on his entire body had aggravated and progressed. He was diagnosed as hav-ing dermatomyositis, based on elevated muscle enzyme lev-els, typical skin rashes, and typical EMG findings, which indicated muscle disease. When a patient with previous po-liomyelitis has a newly developed muscle weakness or pain, we should consider various possible causes other than PPS.

Keywords: Dermatomyositis, Post-polio syndrome, Poliomyelitis, Skin rash, Muscle weakness

Oct 01, 2024 Vol.31 No.4, pp. 191~263
Ancestry-driven pathways for SLE-risk SNP-associated genes. The ancestry-driven key signaling pathways in Asians, Europeans, and African Americans were analyzed by enrichr ( using non-HLA SNP-associated genes. SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus, SNP: single-nucleotide polymorphism, JAK–STAT: janus kinase–signal transducers and activators of transcription, IFN: interferon gamma. (J Rheum Dis 2024;31:200-211)

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