J Rheum Dis 2016; 23(3): 148-153
Published online June 30, 2016
© Korean College of Rheumatology
Correspondence to : Nacksung Kim, Department of Pharmacology, Chonnam National University Medical School, 160 Baekseo-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61469, Korea. E-mail:nacksung@jnu.ac.kr
This is a Free Access article, which permits unrestricted non-commerical use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In general, bone homeostasis is maintained through the balance between bone formation and resorption. Disruption in this balance results in bone-related diseases such as osteopetrosis, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Often, enhanced osteoclastogenesis is followed by accelerated bone resorption that is induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines in osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis, and leads to bone destruction. In this review study, factors involved in osteoclast differentiation and function are discussed, and how the prevention of such factors is effective in ameliorating bone loss in osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis. (J Rheum Dis 2016;23:148-153)
Keywords Bone and bones, Osteoclasts, Rheumatoid arthritis, Cytokines
J Rheum Dis 2016; 23(3): 148-153
Published online June 30, 2016
Copyright © Korean College of Rheumatology.
Semun Seong1,2, Jung Ha Kim1, Nacksung Kim1,2
Departments of 1Pharmacology and 2Biomedical Sciences, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea
Correspondence to:Nacksung Kim, Department of Pharmacology, Chonnam National University Medical School, 160 Baekseo-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61469, Korea. E-mail:nacksung@jnu.ac.kr
This is a Free Access article, which permits unrestricted non-commerical use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In general, bone homeostasis is maintained through the balance between bone formation and resorption. Disruption in this balance results in bone-related diseases such as osteopetrosis, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Often, enhanced osteoclastogenesis is followed by accelerated bone resorption that is induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines in osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis, and leads to bone destruction. In this review study, factors involved in osteoclast differentiation and function are discussed, and how the prevention of such factors is effective in ameliorating bone loss in osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis. (J Rheum Dis 2016;23:148-153)
Keywords: Bone and bones, Osteoclasts, Rheumatoid arthritis, Cytokines
Won-Ju Jeong, Ha-Jeong Kim
J Rheum Dis 2016; 23(3): 141-147Yong-Geun Jeong, Hyun-Ok Kim, Hye Song Lim, Young-Sool Hah, Hee Young Cho, Jiahua Yu, Byung-Hyun Park, Gou Young Koh, Sang-Il Lee
J Rheum Dis 2012; 19(2): 82-90Soo Min Ahn, M.D., Ph.D., Seonok Kim, MSc., Ye-Jee Kim, Ph.D., Seokchan Hong, M.D., Ph.D., Chang-Keun Lee, M.D., Ph.D., Bin Yoo, M.D., Ph.D., Ji Seon Oh, M.D., Ph.D., Yong-Gil Kim, M.D., Ph.D.
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